Saturday 13 April 2013

Borrowdale, 4 days, 11 Wainwrights

Fabulous walking conditions in the Lake district during the second week of April, with sun in the sky but still collections of snow on the ground. This trip I stayed in Borrowdale YHA and started all my walks from there. Monday afternoon I summited two Wainwrights to 'warm up' having not climbed any hills since October last year.

Tuesday was a long day out, a 9 hour walk 'ticking off' a number of slightly less inspiring Wainwrights which involved a great deal of walking though wet marsh land. The highlights were encountering a family of deer on Great Crag and the incredible views from Raven Crag over Thirlmere Reservoir.

Wednesday was the highlight of the week, with an amazing frozen waterfall on the way to the summit, incredible views of the High Spy ridge from the top of Dale Head and eating lunch in the sunshine on the summit of Robinson with great views over Buttermere.

8th April 2013
Eagles Crag & Sergeant Crag
Eagle Crag summit view over Borrowdale & Sergeant Crag from Eagle Crag

 9th April 2013
Great Crag, Grange Fell, High Tove,
Armbooth Fell, Raven Crag & High Seat
Deer on Great Crag & summit View 

Grange Fell

High Tove & (the uninspiring) Armbooth Fell

Raven Crag summit view over Thirlmere

High Seat
10th April 2013
Dale Head, Hindscarth & Robinson

Dale Head summit (more here)

Hindscarth & Robinson summits

Number of Wainwright on this trip;

Charlie's Wainwright Total So Far;